Category: Training/Events

SQL Saturday #89 Atlanta GA

The official launch of SQL Saturday #89 was June 8th.  Within the first week of the launch we have registered over 100 attendees and have over 30 sessions submitted.  We have been overwhelmed with the response.  We have made a few updates to the Event Website  The most import change has been to list links […]

SQL Community Support

I have blogged before about my appreciation for the SQL community mainly within the PASS organization as that is what I was most familiar with.  I have been active with SQL Saturday, PASS Summit, and my local PASS Chapter for the past two years and have benefited greatly by the generosity of the SQL Community.  […]

SQL Saturday #70

This blog is long overdue about my journey to Columbia SC for SQL Saturday #70.    I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to speak at this event and to be able to attend the speakers dinner.  I had a great time getting to meet and spend time with so many SQL folks.  Geoff Hiten, […]

SQL Saturday #62

I had the honor of traveling to Tampa Florida this past weekend and presenting a session to a great group of people.  I first need to mention what a great job the facilitators did organizing this event.  Jose Chinchilla (@sqljoe)and Pam Shaw (@PamShaw) are who I worked with the most but there were countless other […]

What PASS means to me.

I first heard of PASS (Professional Association for SQL Server) in connection with the PASS Summit.  I had a several co-workers who had attended the PASS Summit before.  Several years later we had a local PASS Chapter started in my town and I started attending the meetings when I could.  It was really great to […]